Cash Flowing
Oyu Tolgoi
Hod Maden
Early Works
Horizon Copper is the first copper company of its kind. With diversified interests in some of the world’s leading copper mines, Horizon offers investors exposure to high-quality, low-cost copper projects. Horizon is building a high-growth portfolio of extraordinary copper mines that will be essential to meeting the increasing global demand for copper.
Explore ProjectsTSX.V: HCU
Otcqx: HNCUF
Meeting the Demand for a Sustainable Tomorrow
High Growth Company. Exceptional Assets.
Horizon holds a portfolio with interests in world-renowned copper mines that are expected to generate cash flow to Horizon for years to come. Shareholders of Horizon Copper gain exposure to rising copper prices today through producing mines in the portfolio, while key development assets are expected to increase cash-flows in the years ahead. Learn more about investing in Horizon Copper.
Investor centreCopper is fundamental for the global green energy transition. As world economies rapidly develop clean energy infrastructure and continue to electrify various industries, copper demand is expected to outstrip supply in just a few years. By 2030, the copper deficit is expected to exceed 6 billion pounds of copper per year. To meet this demand, more copper discoveries and projects need to move into production. Horizon will play an important role in financing these important projects, helping to facilitate a more sustainable future.

Supply and Demand
By 2030, the copper deficit is expected to exceed six billion pounds of copper per year. To meet this demand, more copper discoveries and projects need to move into production. Horizon will play an important role in financing these important projects, helping to facilitate a more sustainable future.